We operate a specialized portal TRADEMARKS.cz, dedicated to trademarks. Over the past 15 years, we have successfully registered more than 500 trademarks for the Czech Republic, EU and other non-EU countries.
Email: lawyer@lawyer.cz
Tel.: +420 596 11 22 33
Jansa, Mokrý, Otevřel & partneři s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
The company is registered in the Commercial Register with the Regional Court in Ostrava, section C, file No. 60610.
Company ID: 036 04 772
Telephone: +420 596 11 22 33
E-mail: lawyer@lawyer.cz
Registered office: Ostrava, Sokola Tůmy 16, Postcode 709 00, Czech Republic
Branch Office: Dock in Five, Prague 8, Boudníkova 2538/13, post code 180 00, Czech Republic
Download a detailed CV here.