Software law has been our specialization for more than 20 years, during which we have prepared contracts and conducted legal analyses related to software creation and use. We take full advantage of our extensive experience in this area.
In addition, we are the authors of the professional publication “Software Law” and regularly publish a series of articles on software law on our portal and elsewhere. We cooperate with various experts and professionals, enabling us to offer you truly comprehensive services, including source code assessment and verification, as well as documentation quality assessment.
Tel.: +420 596 11 22 33
Jansa, Mokrý, Otevřel & partneři s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
The company is registered in the Commercial Register with the Regional Court in Ostrava, section C, file No. 60610.
Company ID: 036 04 772
Telephone: +420 596 11 22 33
Registered office: Ostrava, Sokola Tůmy 16, Postcode 709 00, Czech Republic
Branch Office: Dock in Five, Prague 8, Boudníkova 2538/13, post code 180 00, Czech Republic
Download a detailed CV here.